2012년 1월 13일 금요일


Title: Sherlock Holmes and the speckled band
Author: Conan Doyle
Genre: Mystery
Chracters: Shelock Holmes, Dr.Watson, Julia Stoner and her dad
Setting: 19century, London
The conflict problemin the story: There was a murder in Julia Stoner's house and someone is going to kill here before she gets married. So Holmes and Watson are wat to solce the problem.
Summary of the story: Holmes is detective who is living in a boarding house in Baker street. He solved many cases with his ovservation and reasoning power. When Holmes is in his boading house one woman named Julia Stoner aome and request the case. It was very weird and also interesting case therefore Holmes agree. Holmes goes to her house and examines her house. While he is checking he finds confidetial evidence. In her room there is calling bell but it is used as like as snake hole. Last year her sister was die because snake kill her. Consequently Holmes notice her father is murderer but he is already dead by his snake. Hekilled her sister to take all of money. Hoever the case solved well.
An important event in beginning: Julia Stoner request eird caseto Holmes so he starts the examine.
An important event in middle: Holmes catches the confidential evidence about the speckled band.
An important event in end: Holmes solves all questions and problem.
My opinion: I think Holmes is very believable because the cases and his actions are very realistic and also the author described very minutely about the character. I read all of Sherlock Holmes series and it was one of my best stories. So i want to give 9points to this book.

2012년 1월 9일 월요일

Narrative essay

     Challenging something new is very hard but also exciting. One of the hardest thing i ever experienced was blogging. You'll think it is very easy and also fun but i felt blogging is very hard. From now it is very fun and easy but at little past it was very hard. Though there was some good lessons i realize and it was ' challenge lead us success'.
     In GLPS camp i had writing class and i had to make my blog also post my own essays. Additionally i wrote this story in GLPS. Our writing teacher taught us how to make a blog. I can remember until now it was the most hard part of writing classes. I was not familiar with computer so i was really not good at computer also when i was logging in to my blog it had some of problems so i could not enter it.

     At the Second blogginh class it  was very horrible. In this class we had to ser costume to my own blog however i could not enter into my blog so i made new blog. It was very  terrible and shameful. Because only i couldn't do it. But barely i could follow lessons. For the next class i coldn't log in my blog again and happened twice again after this class. Furthermore it was out situation which is teacher cannot help.

     But there was hole that i could escape. At the fifth computer class i shouted a lot because i could log in. I was really happy and it was very lucky cause i should get yellow card tomorrow if i didn't finish my duty. Learning blog was not easy to me but also learned a lots of things. Now when i faced up a hard situation i will challenge it and complete it. Also i wish you guys don't give up and challenge.

2012년 1월 6일 금요일

An ode to the book

An ode to the book
                                  by park shee june

wonderful book,
when I able to look
yoursmell are cook

In your forest
deep deep forest
I can imagine anything
anything what i'm thinking

There is lots of stories
which can make me laugh
sometimes your so cold-s
so you made me cough

But, book
wonderful book
I really like you
as much as stories in you

2012년 1월 5일 목요일

Travel to the Thiland

When I was fifth grade, our family visited to Thiland. Also there is some reason why i writng about Thiland. It was my favorite travel experienced until now. Last year Korea was very cold also  There was a lot of snow too. Therefore our family dedcided to went travel to Thiland. Thiland is always very very hot for hole years. So it was proper travel to place to went. I have to rode airplane for 6ours to went to Thiland. You will think it was very boring however it wasn't. It was one of the most enjoyful time in Thiland travel. Lunch was very disgusting and un tasted but I can spend fun time in the airplane.
     In the Thiland there were a lots of tourist like as us. We did snorkelling at the beach and rode a tube.Also It was to hot so sometimes traveling was too hard. But i could  watch big temple furthermore i could eat a lots of  delicious foods. Some of  foods were terrible but most of them were taste good. Oneday i went to some restaurant and there was fish food. It looked very sulked also smell very disgusting. I couldn't eat anything at there.
     In Bangkok which is capital of Thiland the hotel which us slept was wonderful. It was very big and the survice was very good. Also there was swimming pool and there were no people. So i could use for hole day. For another day we went to the big shopping mall. I really loved that cause there was lots of things to buy and eat. I bought some of tourist product such as  a little sculpture. Mine was very cute and beatiful.
     At the last day we went to the airport and ate diner at there. In the airport there were lots of wonderful things. So we did shopping for an hour and rode the airplane.
     I think it was such a great experience which i undergoed. If i can go again i really want to go wonderful Thiland.